Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Help! does anyone else hold medecine for their migranes? (perscription meds)?

i take a pills for mine, its disovable
anyway, my doctor says that it can breed me depressed because it messes with the seratonine within my body?
i dont really understand.
i do perceive depressed.
but why does this happen? please explain.
and is this in good health? or should i stop taking it? Hi I am sorry to hear about your trouble next to migraines. I know from personal experience how terrible they can be. One of the adjectives drugs used for prophylaxis is propranolol which is a beta blocker. This drug increases the probability of experiencing depressive symtpoms compared to those who do not take these medication.
All drugs have side effects and you and your doctor have to weight the costs and benefits for using a given drug as element of your treatment regimen. If you are truly experiencing a major depressive episode, you requirement to get psychiatric comfort ASAP. If you find your mood is a lil lower than normal, but you quality confident you can deal next to it, I would encrourage hanging on for a lil while longer as the side effects habitually dissappear with time. If this stuff still doesnt bring back your situation under control, you may necessitate to find different medications to control your migraines, or ways to address some of the core depressive symptoms if they persists if you discontinue taking ur medication.
Good Luck I dont take meds for migraines but hold family applicant who suffer from them. Here is a natural alternative. Go to this website and you will see a document of diseases etc. click on the one you want to look at and their will be a protocol for minerals to take. The best minerals are from this companies website. Angstrom minerals.

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