Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Help me?!?

I have this arbitrary strange pain surrounded by the bottom of my right foot only and it solely happens when I'll sit down or not saunter on my feet for a while. It hurts really desperate and it feels as if a muscle or something is getting pulled every time i lift up my foot from stepping on it. It's not that my full foot hurts though, only an nouns below my foot. I've had it for something like 4 days now, and I'm considering going to a doctor if it doesn't stop in a week. What can I do to stop it and do you know what it is? sounds like plantar fasciaitis. Streching will support, but check with ur gp for a referral to a podiatrist
I don't know what it is, sorry to right to be heard, but I believe taking some pain relievers, such as Tylenol, Advil, or something similar to that. I don't know how old you are, but if I know, I would be able to hand over you more appropriate medications for your age. If you are a kid, or a teen, Motrin can assistance too. Well, I think that seeing a doctor is a accurate idea, distribute it time to sort itself out, but I also think that it's a discouraging idea and that waiting may supply it time to get worse. It could stir either passageway. Best of luck, and I hope you feel better soon.

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